Topic Types

You can use the following topic types when creating a new topic:

  • Header
    Headers are meant to be top level topics that will have subtopics. As such they often include summary information about the subtopics as well as a possible list of links for subtopics.

  • Topic
    These are plain body topics that typically have only text information. This is a typical topic you'd use for descriptive topics or for end user documentation topics.

  • ClassHeader, Interface, Enum, Delegate
    Very similar to a Header, but there are some hooks attached to this type when you use the New Topic Wizard. The class name and topic information is automatically forwarded to the Wizard so it can make a guess at what wind of new topic you may be creating filling in some of the blanks for you.

  • ClassMethod, ClassProperty, ClassField, ClassEvent
    Use these for Members of classes. These types are customized to use special templates and icons which make them render for their specialized tasks. There are a few additional custom types like Delegate,Enum.

  • Namespace
    A namespace usually for .NET assembly imports. This type is merely a plain topic that acts as a header for a collection of classes/types imported.

  • WebService
    Very similar to a ClassHeader but generates with a different icon and includes slightly different default information. Like a classheader, a WebService type generates a list of all the methods available in the service.

  • Database, DataTable, DataColumn
    These fields relate to database related entries.

  • Index
    The Index topic is a special topic that generates an HTML link list for every topic in the help file. Generally you only want one index topic per project. This topic becomes the Home Topic of the project and is displayed when you click the home button. Note that this topic is slow to render as it generates the list of topics on the fly!

  • Custom Types
    You can also create your own custom types using the Topic Type Management Form. When you create topics you can associate an image with your type. By doing so you can use a custom template for your topic type.

See also

Adding a new topic

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 05/27/07
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