Class wwHelpEvents

This class implements default event functionality for various operations that can be extended through the use of an external COM object. You may specify a COM object to handle the events instead of the default handler. If a method is implemented your method is called. If the method is not implemented or fails the original code runs.

Currently only a couple of hooks are implemented and they are activated only through the User Interface.

You can specify your COM object in two ways:

Class Members





This method fires before the Paste operation occurs on the 'Copy Comment Block' menu option as well as the hotkey operation that automatically updates a code snippet from a help topic in Help Builder.


This method fires before the Paste operation occurs on the 'Copy C# Comment Block' menu option as well as the hotkey operation that automatically updates a code snippet from a help topic in Help Builder.


This property takes a reference to a COM object that can implement any of the Public methods of this object. The methods are called in passthrough fashion and if a method is not implemented the default action occurs.



o.owwHelpEvents.oHandler = CREATEOBJECT("MyEvents.EventHandler")

*** Help Builder will now call the object
*** for any of the event methods that it supports

See also:

Class wwHelpEvents

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 08/16/15
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