
Goes to the specified topic and updates the display. This method calls back into wwHelp::LoadTopic and then displays the topic and updates the UI if found.

o.gotopic(lcValue, lnTopicType, llNoSave,lcAnchor)

Return Value

.T or .F. depending on whether a match was found


Primary key or Topic string. Mainly the PK will be used but you can supply a topic if lTopic = .T. The topic name must be complete and exact, but does not need to be case sensitive.

Optional. Allows specification of how a topic is retrieved.

0 - by PK (string)
1 - by Topic Title (string)
2 - by Context Id (string or numeric)
4 - by Namespace Member Signature (for .NET classes)

You can also use the value "BLANK" to retrieve an empty oTopic object. "TOP" returns the first topic, "BOTTOM" the last in the underlying file.

Don't automatically save the topic.

Optional Anchor flag to jump to an Anchor tag in the topic


See also:

Class wwhelpform | wwHelp::LoadTopic

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 08/02/04
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