Linking to Topics in Web Output

If you're creating documentation for the Web, it's very likely you'll want to link to help topics from other content.

Help Builder generates topics as static HTML files, and you can obviously access these topics directly. But there is an additional mechanism to load pages by topic name.

Here's how you can access Web content:

  • Documentation Home
    This is the 'home' view in the documentation that basically displays the Index topic. This is the link you want to give to people who just want to browse your help file typically.
    /docs/ or /docs/index.htm

  • Specific topic by static HTML file
    This is the standard way you see individual topics shown in the address bar as you navigate to them. The static filename is the TopicID plus the .htm extension. These topic links are easily visible and pastable. This is the easiest way to link topics. /docs/_03100ve61.htm

  • Specific Topic by Topic Name
    You can also reference topics by their topic name by using the topic=Topic Name query string value. Using a topic name can sometimes be cleaner and provide more reliable links for things like Class documentation that might change
    /docs?topic=Step By Step Guide

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2019 • Updated: 02/22/17
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