
Creates an Html Bullet list of child topics that match a given topic type. This is a quick way to display subtopics directly in your 'parent' level topics. Useful for things like step by step guides and other multi-step operations that make it easy to link to all the child topics.

For example to display all child topics with a type of TOPIC you'd use:

<%=  ChildTopicsList() % >


<%=  ChildTopicsList(oHelp,"TOPIC") % >

A third parameter allows you to specify what the display expression is for the link.

The default expression is equivalent to:

<%=  ChildTopicsList(oHelp,"TOPIC",
          "oHelp.FormatHtml(oHelp.oTopic.Topic)") % >
o.ChildTopicsList(loHelp, lcTopicTypes, lcDetailExpression)


The Help Builder object (oHelp)

A single topic type or a list of comma separated ones.

Optional - The expression of the item to retrieve. Generally the expression will be simply oHelp.oTopic.Topic

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 05/24/17
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