
Creates a link to other topics in the help file. Used internally when you insert a cross link.

The PK value passed can be one of the following fairly diverse types:

If you know the PK simply specify it. This is the most efficient way to link and what Help Builder will insert if you use the Bookmarking feature.

Topic Name
You can also use the topic name. This might be useful if you are manually typing in links.

Member Signature
This works for .NET types and members. Use the following syntax:

sig:Westwind.BusinessObjects.wwBusiness sig:Westwind.BusinessObjects.wwBusiness.Property sig:Westwind.BusinessObjects.wwBusiness.Method(String Parm1,Int32 Parm2)

Note the method signature must match an exact method signature!

MSDN .NET Documentation
You can also link to MSDN .NET documentation content. This format requires that use the msdn: prefix and a type prefix for the member to indicate Type, Method, Property etc.

msdn:T:System.IO.Path msdn:M:System.IO.Path.GetFullPath msdn:P:System.IO.Path.Path

Note: Help Builder only looks up MSDN entries in the System. and Microsoft. namespaces. Due to the size of the MSDN frame window the topic opens in the default Web Browser.

<%= TopicLink([Object ToString method],[M:System.Object.ToString()]) % >
<%= TopicLink([Test],[M:System.IO.Path.PathSeparator]) % > 

<%= TopicLink([Registry Class],[msdn:T:Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]) % > 

<%= TopicLink([Registry ReadKey],[msdn:M:Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Close]) % >


o.TopicLink(lcDisplay, lcPK, lcAnchor)

Return Value

A string that contains a proper HREF link


The display string.

This is either the PK (with an underscore) or the exact topic text for another topic.

Optional - an HTML anchor (somepage.htm#anchor) in the document to link to.

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 05/24/17
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